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Founded in June, 2000, School of Economics and Management at Huaqiao University consisted of Department of Business Administration, Department of Tourism, Department of Social Science, and Department of Information Management. In October, 2004, School of Economics and Management was further split into three colleges, namely, College of Business, College of Business Administration, and College of Tourism. College of Business offered B.A. degree programs in four subjects, i.e., International Economics and Trade, Finance, Electronic Commerce and Logistics Management which are attributed to department of International Economics and Trade, department of Finance, department of Economics, and department of Electronic Commerce respectively. Prof. HU Ridong, the former Vice-dean of School of Economics and Management, was nominated as the founding Dean of College of Business.

In October, 2007, Research Institute for Quantitative Economics was founded, and Distinguished Prof. GAO Hongzhen was nominated as the Founding Dean of Research Institute for Quantitative Economics while Prof. HU Ridong, the Dean of College of Business, was appointed as the Deputy Dean of Research Institute for Quantitative Economics concurrently.

In September, 2009, College of Business was renamed as School of Economics and Finance with four departments, including department of International Economics and Trade, department of Finance, department of Economics, and department of Electronic Commerce. Accordingly, School of Economics and Finance set up five subjects, covering International Economics and Trade, Finance, Economics, Electronic Commerce, and Logistics Management.

In July 2010, Research Institute for Quantitative Economics became an exclusively research-oriented institute, which is independent from School of Economics and Finance. Prof. SHEN Lisheng was nominated as the Dean of Research Institute for Quantitative Economics. Prof. HU Ridong as well as Prof. ZHAO Xindong was appointed as the Deputy Dean of Research Institute for Quantitative Economics.

In July 2013, B.A. program in Logistics Management and M.A. program in Logistics Engineering were transferred to College of Business Administration. Later, School of Economics and Finance was accredited by the program of discipline evaluation over Applied Economics organized by the Ministry of Education in 2013. In 2014, our school was successfully approved to set up B.A. program in Investment and started to enroll new students since September, 2014.


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